Welcome to Connectus Utilities
Here you can find some information and advice around your multi-utility questions. If we haven’t answered your question, please feel free to drop us a message via live chat, email us at info@connectus-utilities.co.uk,or you can call us on 0330 221 6565 or on 0793 915 5199.
Physical Electric or Water connection to site for the building is to be constructed. This is called at Pre-lims stage where welfare and machines need to be operated to demolish or construct the building.
The process requires understanding the site requirements, making applications to the local network and managing it through to delivery and installing meter for energisation.
Connetus has the resource to manage the scheme, understanding the general timelines and the importance of TBS getting in early and reviewing the design for each location.
Electrical substations provide high voltage supply to large developments and buildings. Multiple buildings can be fed from a single substation. The usual requirement is for 300kVa upwards and when there is minimal available capacity on the low voltage local network.
The Network and ICP’s provide the design and installation service. These companies are regulated by OFGEM and complete the installation from specification documents and designs issued by the developer through to energisation of the substation.
Connectus can review the clients specification documents, identify risk in terms of location of substation and potential timelines. We also coordinate all the parties involved in the connection of a substation.
There are Gas, Electric, Water, Telecoms and other services in the ground. When a new building is being demolished or built, existing services need to be identified to mitigate risk of damaging the existing services in the ground. These services are called Assets.
Asset plans can be obtained from the network and combined into a report to identify where the services are and allow for the developer to understand whether they need to be disconnected, diverted or protected. This would be carried out at the early stages of a development at pre-planning stage.
The process would be to obtain asset maps from the relevant networks in the local area and combine them into a report for review.
Connectus can support your business through their experiecne and knowledge of knowing all network providers and being able to review an asset plan document and advise on potential diversions and disconnections.
For every new Electric/Gas/Water Meter that is installed, a supply contract is required. Across the UK, meters are owned and operated by Meter Operators. A Supply contract is raised with an energy supplier.
There are different types of Meters, spanning from Non Half-hourly (NHH) to Half-hourly (HH) and Single Phase to Three-phase, for electric.
For Gas there are Low pressure, Medium pressure and High pressure meters.
For Water there are several different types depending on the size and type of water supply. Most water meters are called Linear Meters.
The process is the energy supplier requires the site details in terms of loadings and where the meter needs to be installed. The suppliers raise an energy contract and then instructs the meter operator to install. This can be a 6 week process for a new meter and longer if a meter needs replacing or upgrading.
In the ever-evolving landscape of utility infrastructure, time is money and every decision that you make should be a strategic one. Connectus Utilities is not just a service – It’s a change on how you should manage your utility needs.
Connectus Utilities is part of The Consultus Group.